Thought Leadership

Using an Audience-First Marketing Strategy

Users first, search engines second.

That’s my approach to an audience-first marketing strategy summed up in five words. Yes, I know and understand the crucial importance of incorporating present-day SEO best practices into my website marketing. But first and foremost, I want to understand the user and create marketing that speaks to them.

After all, if you’re marketing for your user, you’re also marketing for Google, since Google’s top priority is creating an ideal user experience.

I also believe that an audience-first marketing strategy means good content. I understand the value of traditional advertising, but I also understand that people see and hear what they want, and many markets are over saturated with ads that users quickly “tune out”.

That’s where the power of storytelling and empathy come in. If you’re subtly sharing your marketing message through stories that captivate, you’ll foster a loyal audience without them even realizing it. My approach to digital marketing: use stories and content that resonates to create long-term relationships with your audience.

Want to learn more about my approach to an audience-first marketing strategy? View some of my thought leadership pieces below.